A Holiday Card From Aztec Basketball


[editor’s note: Dave Rich, resident comedian and Aztec alum, “received” a card from SDSU this morning… here’s how it went… I guess? – bp]

To our beloved Aztecs fans,

Well it’s been quite the start for us on the Mesa.  We would like to wish you a belated Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah from our family.  2013-14 has been a busy year so far.   Lots of practices, lots of defense, and when we play well… LOTS of hard candies from the coach’s secret stash.   (Pretty sure it’s the candy jar shaped like a Emilio Estevez’s head that sits on the window sill in the office.  Also on the coaches desk, a “twerking Miley” bobble head. Only, the head is not what’s bobbling. Weird, right? Must have been a gift)

Our little family is growing up so fast.   Skylar Spencer is a big fan of outdoor BBQ’s and has decided to throw a block party every time he plays.  Little Winston Sheppard is getting so big these days.  He’s a sophomore now, can you believe how time flies?  He has decided that basketball is easy when you are faster and jump higher than 90% of the people playing.  Isn’t that fun?  This year Xavier went in for a surgery that replaced his blood with ice water.  The results have been very positive and we look forward to seeing how well it works with the nerves of steel and the brass balls he had put in earlier this year.   Elective cosmetic surgery is not for everyone, but X is a senior this year, and is perfectly capable of making his own decisions. You just have to cut those apron strings eventually. Our Irish good luck charm J.J. O’Brien is still growing his flat top out.  I know what you’re thinking… and yes, that was last year’s cool haircut.  But don’t you worry, J.J. says it’s coming back, and we mostly believe him.  Oh and Josh (Davis).   Well Josh is fitting in nicely here.  He’s playing well with others and has really taken to his janitorial responsibilities around the glass.   Josh suffers from pretty aggressive OCD.  He loves things in two’s and even numbers.   Therefore, double doubles are very common on our team, and in order to help with this disorder, we encourage it.   It’s only an issue if it gets in the way with daily life.  Keep him in your thoughts.

As far as recent events…. Well, we just took a wonderful trip to Kansas.  Oh it was lovely this time of year.  We got a chance to see the famous Allen Fieldhouse, where the local school has won 68 games straight at home.   You remember Josh’s issue with 2’s? 68 sounded so much better than 69, and we agree.   The whole school came out to greet us with open arms.  What we guess is normally a very noisy crowd was so very quiet so very often.  Ohhh and we got a chance to meet number 1 recruit in the nation, Andrew Wiggins.  He was a very nice boy.  He is also a lot smaller in real life, but still very nice.  There was a gift exchange with the Jayhawks. (what a fun name) We were able to bring them some defense, and they, in turn showed us one of their very worst shooting percentages in the past ten years.  Amazing what you learn about each other.  They even agreed to come play us in San Diego in a couple years which is just neat.

All in all it’s been a very fun year so far.  To the other teams we will visit this year; we very much look forward to playing in your arenas even though you are afraid to play in ours.  It is always so exciting to meet new people.   We loved all the Christmas cards this year, our favorite is shown below.

sdsu-christmasHope you had a happy new year.

With all our love and buckets,
-Aztec MBB

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