It’s Halloween Season, Bring Your A-Game, Parents…


Posted this back in 2011… totally worthy of a re-post.


Mind. Blown. Feel Good Freshness! You think your kid’s costume was awesome? News flash… it was weak compared to these costumes. These lil guys are game changers. So, so amazing. Harry and Lloyd, the miniature versions, shaggin’ wagon and all. Look at these dudes! They are like little LobShots mascots. I love them!

I played in a YMCA basketball league a couple years ago… team name: MUTT CUTTS. Nobody got it, nobody appreciated it. Made me sad. These parents though? They get it. They appreciate greatness. Thank you, random parents of random kids wearing Dumb & Dumber costumes.

I expect another wave of Harry and Lloyd costumes with Dumb and Dumber To coming out.


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