The Capybara Falls and The Caiman Rises

Massive upset. Rafa lost to Lukas Rosol at Wimbledon. Dude was ranked 100 in the world. Nadal was ranked the same, minus the last two zeros…plus 1. (<—that line was funnier when I thought he was ranked no. 1, not no. 2 to Djokovic).  I’m a Federer guy so I love that Rafa lost… in fact, the only thing I like about Rafa is that he looks like a capybara.

Every great animal nickname needs an adversary. Google led me to this photo.

That’s a caiman eating a capybara. I’d never even heard of a caiman before. Not exactly a croc and not exactly a gator…just closely related to both. I love the obscurity of it. As you can see, Lukas Rosol looks identical to one too. Identical.

This, my lobster friends, is how nicknames are born. Lukas Rosol, the Caiman.


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