The Bus Lady might be my favorite story on the internet this year. An example of why the internet, and the world, can be a horrible place… only to be redeemed by love. I don’t know that I’ve ever put a Bible verse in a blog, but this is Biblical folks. John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” The world can be a dark place… but it’s our job to make sure that darkness never wins. Here’s your case in point: a 68-year-old bus monitor named Karen Klein gets verbally attacked from these twerp kids on the bus. I mean, it was so bad, I couldn’t even watch the whole thing when it hit the web a few days ago. Now? No biggie…she’s just been given about half a million dollars via the world. Go watch the video (I wouldn’t) and donate here (I did). Went like this: video went viral, everyone who sees it…everyone blogs it, they hate the kids and feel awful for the bus lady, somebody starts a page to raise $5k for her to go on vacation, that too goes viral and we’re at $480,000 $510,000 $635,000 and counting.

Now that LobShots is posting about it, I expect her to get over $1,000,000. A cool mill. That’s the type of readers we’ve got. Lobsters make the world go ’round. Do your thing.

Aside: I plan on updating the above image with screengrabs throughout the day (June 22nd). I’ve been doing it since early this morning. It’s like watching a video game. Up, up, and away!


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